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Hey there! Thanks a bunch for dropping by my website. If you're curious about prices or have any questions about what I offer, just shoot me a message below.
The more info you share, the better I can whip up a quote that fits your needs.
Ready to dive into the world of amazing miniatures? Let's make it happen!
When sharing your Commission Details & Requests, follow this format for quick and accurate quotes:
1. Model name and the amount
2. Chosen Painting and Basing Level
3. Colour Scheme/Basing requests/Theme ideas
Also, let us know if:
- SW Painting Studio are to purchase the models on your behalf or if you'll post them
- Assembly is needed, specifying any particular configuration, such as weapon loadouts/equipment.
- You would like and Freehand, Converting, Sculpting, or Transfers, just include them in your message. The more specific you are, the better we can quote you accurately.
Thanks for helping us make your vision come to life!
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